Simple and Easy Diet Tips

It seems everyone is on the health & fitness buzz at the moment which is great, but I’m seeing a lot of people starving themselves, eating nothing but leaves, jumping on quick crash diets, weird detoxes & magical pills!
Losing weight isn’t a quick fix! It isn’t one size fits all, It takes time and it should be something you can manage LONG TERM!!
Try these simple and easy tips to help you get started;
💦 Drink lots more water & less of the fizzy crap & fruit juices! Fruit juice is full of sugar and sugar is not your friend if you wanna lose weight.
🍗 Eat wholesome foods. Lean grilled meats, fish, lots of veggies, Healthy fats like olive oil and nuts, quality carb sources like oats, potatoes & rice. Don’t add any sugary sauces or artificial flavours to meals.
🍝 Control your portions, eat little and often. It’s not an all you can eat buffet at every meal!! Also learn about your calorie requirements and track them.
🍔 Have a weekly “cheat” meal IF and only if you’re on track! One meal not a whole weekend of binging and eating crap!!
🏃🏻 Move more!! It doesn’t have to be in the gym, just do something that burns some extra calories. Stop being lazy and walk places, take the stairs. Once you get into a routine and are feeling a little fitter then you can join the gym!
❓ If in doubt ask someone!! Most people are happy to share their fitness journey and will help you if they can.
📅 Take your time and enjoy it! If you wake up everyday and dread what you’re going to eat or drink then it’s not gonna last long!! Choose healthy foods you enjoy eating and you will stick to it!
Finally, don’t be so strict on yourself and set unrealistic goals. Everything takes time, take small progressive steps each week and soon enough you’ll change your habits for good!
Good luck to everyone making a change this year! It’s hard changing bad habits and getting into a routine but there’s no better feeling than looking back in 6 months and seeing how far you’ve progressed!! 💪🏽

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