James W


Occupation: TV producer

Goal : Nutrition/Fat Loss

I had been competing in triathlons and bicycle races for years, and had been visiting a gym regularly for one year. But no matter how much physical activity I did my weight or body shape never changed.

Then I started a Paulos Plan – and within five weeks I had visible abs. I stuck to the food principles he taught me and got to single digit bodyfat, ran a 20 minute 5k, and performed better in triathlon than ever before.

It never ever felt like dieting and the spin-off benefits – a new found respect for proper food, better sleep, a lot more energy, a better physique – have remained. It’s no fad.

The part I found most valuable was that everything was crystal clear – in a noisy world of conflicting advice from magazine articles, best-selling books and fitness blogs it’s refreshing to have one simple set of rules to follow

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